Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Today, after we visited Arlington National Cemetery and saw the changing of the guard, we had free time to visit whichever Smithsonian Museum we wanted. My group went to the Museum of American History and the Museum of Natural History. At American History we saw dresses the First Ladies wore to their husbands’ inaugurations (ranging from Martha Washington’s dress to Michelle Obama’s). We also saw Julia Child’s replica kitchen, with the really high countertops. At Natural History we saw Egyptian mummies, the Hope Diamond and the Hall of Human Origins. I wish we could have had more time at the museums to look at more stuff but we had to drive to New Jersey. I’m happy and sad about going home tomorrow. I had such a good time on this trip that I don’t want it to end, but I’m also looking forward to getting home and sleeping in my own bed in my own house. Look for us tomorrow on the Today Show around 8 in the morning, we’ll be wearing our blue coats.


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