Monday, June 20, 2011

Anything Goes

Enjoyable dinner and show at Toby's Dinner Theater of Columbia.

Day Four Update

Today has been a very hectic day. After a two hour tour through Gettysburg, it was time to head to our hotel in Maryland, which was about a two hour drive away from where we were. The ride went by pretty quick for me because I fell asleep for most of it and I was thoroughly enjoying the air conditioned bus. When we finally arrived at the hotel, I was definitely ready to get off the bus. But we ran into some trouble…not all of our rooms were ready for us so we had to wait. The wait would have been fine, until the bus turned off, along with the A/C. Everyone was sweating and groaning, and by the time we could finally get off, the cool air outside was pure bliss. We headed up to our rooms to get ready for the dinner theater. All four of us rushed around, putting our hair up, pulling on shoes, dresses and hurriedly putting on makeup. When we were all set we headed down to the elevator. It was pretty neat seeing everyone dressed up and looking so nice after such a hot, sweaty morning. We boarded the bus and were off to the theater to see “Anything Goes”. I’d never been to a dinner theater before, so I was thrilled. We ate tons of fantastic food from the buffet and then prepared to watch the show. It was one of the most exciting things on the trip so far, the talent was unbelievable and the show itself was hilarious. The hot, rushed morning and rushing around was worth the reward at the end of the day! It has been one of the fastest days of the tour so far, and I’m looking forward to tomorrow!

By Tori


Today the Freedom Tour group visited the site of the Battle of Gettysburg in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. The Battle of Gettysburg happened in 1863 during the civil war and was considered the “turning point” of the war. The Union (North) won the battle and eventually won the war. The group had tour guides come onto the busses and tour us through the open fields of Gettysburg, where thousands of men were killed right where we stood all those years ago.

During the tour, we visited some of the many monuments in the battleground. There are over 1,000 monuments in Gettysburg that remember those who fought for both the Union and the Confederacy. It blew my mind to think that some of our ancestors fought on this battleground all that time ago. Also to think what our world would be like had the south won the war. Just think, we would need passports to even go into the state of Virginia. Or to even go to vacationlands like Florida, we would need passports. It made me shiver to even think about that.

We also visited Little Round Top. Little Round Top was the hill that the Union was forced to protect or possibly face losing the entire battle. We hiked the hill and saw monuments commemorating troops from Alabama and our home of Maine who fought desperately to take the hill or keep the hill.

Overall our experience at Gettysburg was a good one. I think we all learned a lot more about the history of our country. It was a great addition to our trip.

By Thomas