Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I’ve had a fun week so far. New York was a blast. When we went to Philadelphia it was a short visit and it wasn’t the most fun time I’ve had so far, though it contained much history. Yesterday we went to Gettysburg and learned a lot of information about the battle. After that we went to our hotel in Maryland and got dressed up all fancy to go to a dinner theater. The food was alright but the main attraction was the show. It was a musical on a boat and it was pretty good. After that we went to the hotel and proceeded to saw many logs. Today we drove down to DC and saw a bunch of memorials. It was really interesting and historic. I also went to the Holocaust Museum. It was a very solemn place. There were many moving exhibits and it took me a while to take it all in. Well, I’m off to bed. See you when we get home!

– Robbie

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